
Work *well*, not *hard*!

Off topic
This content’s from when I was a worse creator, so read at your own risk. :)

To the people who:

A) Run until their heads & legs hurt.

B) Practice a game for hours daily.

C) Force themselves to sleep & roll back & forth for hours.

D) Watch too many YouTube videos, so their brain can't process or recall them.

Stop; it's stupid. Work well, not hard.

A) Instead of running until you hurt & regret it, run a bit daily.

Thus, you don't burn out, which would discourage you from doing it, & you don't overwork yourself.

B) Instead of practicing a game for hours daily, practice it for 30–60 minutes.

Thus, you avoid tilt, burn-out, health problems, & stamina loss.

C) Instead of watching many YT videos daily, do a few daily.

Thus, your brain's time to process the information you've gained.

D) Instead of forcing yourself to sleep, stand up, do physical exercise, & take a walk to tire yourself.

Thus, you don't discourage yourself from getting to bed because of bad memories.